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 Paul Schaus

Profile of Paul Schaus

President, CEO and Founder of CCG Catalyst
Blog Posts: 4

Paul Schaus is the president, CEO and founder of CCG Catalyst, a bank consulting firm providing strategic direction for banks. He leads a team of banking subject matter experts across North America. In addition to maintaining the firm's traditional consulting of business and technologies strategies, Paul has added innovation and emerging bank technologies as a focus consulting differentiator, which has been instrumental in the company's significant growth over the years. Paul has been a banker, management consultant and strategist for more than 30 years, with the majority of his experience coming from various positions within the banking industry. He has advised hundreds of banks andvendors on business and technology strategies. 

Articles by Paul Schaus
posted in September 2014
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Join Bank Systems & Technology Associate Editor Bryan Yurcan, and guests Karen Massey and Jerry Silva from IDC Financial Insights, for a conversation about the firm's 11th annual FinTech rankings.